MIAMI (CBS4) — Family members tell CBS4 News they are horrified and baffled after a 40-year-old man with no criminal history is accused of beating his 90-year-old father to death and beating and seriously injuring his bedridden, 81-year-old mother.
“I’m still shocked. I feel very badly about it,” said James Moss, a cousin of the victim Luther Moss, who was going to turn 91 this Friday.
Records show that Luther Moss’s son Andrew is charged with 2nd degree murder, domestic violence and attempted felony murder. Neighbors say he called 911 on Sunday afternoon after the crimes were committed.
James Moss told CBS4’s Peter D’Oench, “I can’t understand what might have happened. He was very devoted to his wife and to his children. All of his children loved him. He was just that type of person.”
“We worked together for 37 years for the phone company as repairmen and his hobby was being a TV repairman. Luther was such a hard worker during his career. He actually started as a Janitor for the phone company and rose up,” said James Moss. “He was my first cousin but he was more like my brother.”
“I am devastated,” said Moss’s wife, Patricia. “I am really devastated. The family was such a close knit family.”
Family members do not know what triggered this crime. They say Andrew Moss had not been working lately and lived in his parents home at 261 Northwest 55th Street. They say recently Andrew Moss’s behavior changed.
“The young man seemed in the last few weeks to be acting strange,” said Patricia Moss.
“I was sorry to hear about this,” said neighbor Willie Douglas. “He was such a nice man.”
“This was terrible,” said neighbor Bobbie Jones. “He was a good man. I knew him for many years.”
“I’d like to know what happened,” said Patricia Moss. “I am devastated. I knew him for 66 years. We have all been like one family. Our kids all went to college together and worked together.”
James and Patricia Moss are troubled that anyone would harm a parent.
“That’s awful,” said James Moss. “When I was growing up my parents were the main subjects in our lives. I’m no psychiatrist but something must have been happening in that man’s head to cause him to do this.”
Now James Moss is worried about Ada Ross, who was already in a fragile state before she was thrown from her wheelchair and rushed to the Ryder Trauma Center.
Ada Ross had been bedridden for the past few years. Police sources say she is in serious condition at Jackson Memorial Hospital.
“My prayers are with Ada,” said James Moss. “I hope she can overcome all of this physically, mentally and
Andrew Moss was expected to come before a judge in bond court in Miami on Tuesday.